Sardonyx Welch

Guest Workshops

April 20th, 2024

11:00 AM

Pole Inferno

Come along and join Welch in learning how to rock those pole foundations with flair and style! Let's amp up your moves together through fast-paced, energetic choreography, perfectly synced to beats that are guaranteed to make you want to bust a move. Remember, every step taken is a personal celebration of your awesome spirit. All levels welcome. Pre-req: Pole Foundations/Fundamentals or Beginner Pole recommended.

12:15 PM

Heels Tech (Beg)

Let Welch be your friendly guide in learning the basics of confidently strutting in platformed stiletto or skripper heels. Join us for some fun, specially-designed exercises that not only help you walk gracefully but also let your unique style shine through. We'll cover foundational transitions and heels skills so you can achieve a strong, fluid aesthetic. Let's get ready to learn how to move with dynamic energy and captivate everyone with each mesmerizing step you take! All Levels Welcome. Please wear between 6-8” platformed heels (Pleasers, Hella Heels, Burju).

1:45 PM

Heels tech (Int+)

Join Welch as she concentrates on the dynamic techniques needed for the next generation of movements in platformed or skripper heels.

Our goal is to offer a comprehensive, safe class, and we encourage all students to use their best judgment concerning their physical abilities. We recommend this class for students who can comfortably transfer weight with ease in their platformed stilettos, and who regularly train with their heels in technique and conditioning classes.

3:00 PM

Spin-tastic Extravagenza (Int+)

Join Welch for her signature dynamic movement sequences on the spin pole. Blend breathtaking combinations filled with fluid spins and graceful twists.

We aim to provide a well-rounded, safe class and expect all students to use their best judgment regarding their bodies' abilities. We recommend this class for students who can confidently invert and shoulder mount, and are interested in learning how to add more dynamic skills and fluidity to their spin pole combos.


Sardonyx Welch (She/her) is a powerhouse in the world of pole. Beginning her journey in 2013, she’s lit the stages across Canada since her arrival in 2023. She’s the recent Overall and All-Out Winner of Skripped Down (Toronto, October 2023), Pole Sport Organization (PSO) Canada West & After Dark Level 5 Championship Silver (Vancouver, June 2023).

Emerging from the vibrant dance scene in Cebu, Philippines. Welch has empowered students across the world to improve their pole skills and find joy in pole dance. She is thrilled to offer her mentorship to new students in her new home in Canada.

Welch has graced international stages and is also the 2019 Taiwan PSO Level 5 Champion, 2019 Philippine Aerial Cup PRO Champion, 2019 Philippine Aerial Cup Open Category Silver medalist, the 2018 Philippine Aerial Cup PRO Champion, 2018 Thailand Battle of the Champions, and the 2017 Taiwan Airstars Silver Medalist. After moving to Canada, she epically shared the stage with Snoop Dog and Whalifa in Vancouver, Canada last July. We are so thrilled to host Welch at PoleCoven!